<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=3 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD class=post2 vAlign=top width="100%">Here is from front page article on major wager:
People who worked at the failing sportsbook once quoted "it is like have a bunch of New York "know it alls" in one room trying to solve a rubix cube". It didnt help having known stiffs like "drunk" and "dont doubt me" (one in the same) touting the company in return for payback of bad debts to owner
I was banned from Major Wager so I can't respondtoo his nonsense. All I can tell you is that you can vouch for my integrity with many a people offshore. As far as major's integrity..well he just showed his tru colors. I have nothing too hide..bring it on Russ..I could care les what you post on your worthless site.
Here is a bet for you Major *******: I'll bet you 25k( to be held by anyone but you) that not only don't I have a debt with anyone like you say, or that I am the furtherest thing from a stiff. You want too put you money where your mouth is..Bring it on clown..
Posting misleading stuff on your site shows your a classless misfit who was run out of vegas for stealing from his employers. Your the Known :stiff" and "deadbeat" and I would put my reputation against yours anyday of the week.
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People who worked at the failing sportsbook once quoted "it is like have a bunch of New York "know it alls" in one room trying to solve a rubix cube". It didnt help having known stiffs like "drunk" and "dont doubt me" (one in the same) touting the company in return for payback of bad debts to owner
I was banned from Major Wager so I can't respondtoo his nonsense. All I can tell you is that you can vouch for my integrity with many a people offshore. As far as major's integrity..well he just showed his tru colors. I have nothing too hide..bring it on Russ..I could care les what you post on your worthless site.
Here is a bet for you Major *******: I'll bet you 25k( to be held by anyone but you) that not only don't I have a debt with anyone like you say, or that I am the furtherest thing from a stiff. You want too put you money where your mouth is..Bring it on clown..
Posting misleading stuff on your site shows your a classless misfit who was run out of vegas for stealing from his employers. Your the Known :stiff" and "deadbeat" and I would put my reputation against yours anyday of the week.
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